Indian Craft Shop Sales

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Shopping (continued)
- Books (continued)
- Quill and Beadwork of the Western Sioux by Carrie A. Lyford SOLD
- Ray Manley's Hopi Kachina's by Clara Lee Tanner SOLD OUT (please locate another source if interested)
- Reassessing Hallmarks of Native Southwest Jewelry
- Reflections of the Weaver's World: The Gloria F. Ross Collection of Contemporary Navajo Weaving by Ann Lane HedlundSOLD OUT/PLEASE FIND ANOTHER SOURCE
- Remember Your Relations:The Elsie Allen Baskets, Family & Friends by Suzanne Abel-Vidor, Dot Brovarney & Susan BillySOLD OUT/Locate another source
- Reservation X: the Power of Place in Aboriginal Contemporary Art
- Rick Bartow: My Eye by Rebecca J. Dobkins SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- Rio Grande Textiles by Nora Fisher SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- Rugs & Posts: The Story of Navajo Weaving and Indian Trading by H. L. James SOLD OUT/PLEASE FIND ANOTHER SOURCE TO PURCHASE
- Savoonga Ivory Carvers: A Yupik Walrus Ivory Carving Tradition on St. Lawrence Island, AK by Bruce Bartholomew SOLD OUT/Please locate another source
- Shared Images: The Innovative Jewelry of Yazzie Johnson & Gail Bird by Diana F. Pardue - SOLD OUT, please locate another source to purchase
- Silver + Stone: Profiles of American Indian Jewelers by Mark Bahti - Paperback SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- Small Spirits: Native American Dolls from the National Museum of the American Indian by Mary Jane Lenz SOLD OUT - PLEASE FIND ANOTHER SOURCE
- Songs from the Loom: A Navajo Girl Learns to Weave, text & photgraphs by Monty Roessel
- Songs of Shiprock Fair, written by Luci Tapahonso (Navajo), illustrated by Anthony Chee Emerson (Navajo)
- Southern Pueblo Pottery: 2,000 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf COLLECTORS' EDITION, LEATHER BOUND
- Southwest Art Defined: An Illustrated Guide by Margaret Moore Booker - SOLD OUT, PLEASE FIND THROUGH ANOTHER SOURCE
- Southwestern Indian Jewelry by Dexter Cirillo SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- Southwestern Indian Rings by Paula A. Baxter SOLD OUT/PLEASE FIND ANOTHER SOURCE TO PURCHASE
- Southwestern Indian Weaving by Mark Bahti
- Southwest Indian Designs with Some Explanations by Mark Tomas Bahti SOLD OUT - Please locate another source to purchase
- Southwest Weaving: A Continuum by Stefani Salkeld SOLD OUT Please locate another source to purchase
- Spirit in the Stone: a Handbook of Southwest Indian Animal Carvings and Beliefs by Mark Bahti
- Stan Hill: An Inspiration, 1921-2003: An Exhibition Honoring his Life's Work - SOLD OUT
- Tapestries in Sand: The Spirit of Indian Sandpainting by David Villaseñor SOLD OUT, OUT OF PRINT, Please locate another source to purchase
- Tasunka A Lakota Horse Legend by Donald F Montileaux
- The American Indian Parfleche: A Tradition of Abstract Painting by Gaylord Torrence SOLD OUT Please locate another source to purchase
- The Art of the Native American Flute by R. Carlos Nakai and James Demars
- The Beauty of Hopi Jewelry by Theda Bassman SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- The Beauty of Navajo Jewelry by Theda Bassman SOLD OUT/PLEASE FIND ANOTHER SOURCE TO PURCHASE
- The Crafts of Florida's First People
- The Fetish Carvers of Zuni by Marian Rodee and James Ostler - SOLD OUT/please locate another source to purchase
- The Hogan that Great-Grandfather Built by Nancy Bo Flood
- The Hopi Approach to the Art of Kachina Doll Carving by Erik Bromberg SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- The Image Weavers: Contemporary Navajo Pictorial Textiles
| Shopping (continued)
- Books (continued)
- The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle by Gay Matthaei and Jewel Grutman SOLD OUT/ Please locate another source to purchase
- The Legacy: Tradition and Innovation in Northwest Coast Indian Art - SOLD OUT/ please locate another source to purchase
- The Life and Art of Tony Da by Charles S. King and Richard L. Spivey SOLD OUT - please locate another source to purchase
- The Magic Hummingbird, narrated by Michael Lomatuway'ma (Hopi), translated by Ekkehart Malotki, illustrated by Michael Lacapa (Hopi)
- The Mouse Couple retold by Ekkehart Malotki, illustrated by Michael Lacapa (Hopi)
- The Navajo Art of Sandpainting by Douglas Congdon-Martin
- The Navajo Weaving Tradition: 1650 to the Present by Alice Kaufman and Christopher Selser SOLD OUT - please locate another source to purchase
- The Song of the Loom: New Traditions in Navajo Weavings by Frederick J. Dockstader SOLD OUT (Please locate another source to purchase)
- The Star People: A Lakota Story by S.D. Nelson
- The Sweet Smell of Home: The Life and Art of Leonard F. Chana by Leonard F. Chana, Susan Lobo & Barbara Chana
- The Technique of Porcupine Quill Decoration Among The Indians of North America by William C. Orchard SOLD OUT Please locate another source to purchase
- The Techniques of North American Indian Beadwork by Monte Smith SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- The Tipi: Traditional Native American Shelter by Adolf Hungrywolf SOLD OUT Please locate another source to purchase
- The Weavers Way: Navajo Profiles by Dodie Allen
- The Wolf and the Raven: Totem Poles of Southeastern Alaska by Viola E. Garfield and Linn A. Forrest
- The World of Flower Blue: Pop Chalee: an Artistic Biography by Margaret Cesa SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase.
- They Call Me Eddie Morrison, Cherokee National Treasure by Bill Keith and a Foreword by Principal Chief Bill John Baker - SIGNED
- Timeless Textiles: Traditional Pueblo Arts 1840-1940 by Tyrone D. Campbell - SOLD OUT- please locate another source to purchase
- Tipi: Home of the Nomadic Buffalo Hunters by Paul Goble SOLD OUT (please locate another source to purchase)
- Tipis, Tepees, Teepees: History and Design of the Cloth Tipi by Linda A. Holley SOLD OUT - Please locate another source to purchase
- To Honor and Comfort: Native Quilting Traditions by Marsha L. MacDowell and C. Kurt Dewhurst SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- Totems to Turquoise: Native American Jewelry Arts of the Northwest and Southwest by Kari Chalker, General Editor, Lois S. Dubin and Peter M. Whiteley,
- Traditional Clothing of the Native Americans by Evard H. Gibby SOLD OUT Please locate another source to purchase
- Traditional Hopi Kachinas: A New Generation of Carvers by Johnathan S. Day SOLD OUT/PLEASE FIND ANOTHER SOURCE TO PURCHASE
- Traditional Indian Crafts by Monte Smith
- Tradition & Change on the Northwest Coast: The Makah, Nuu-chah-nulth, Southern Kwakiutl and Nuxalk by Ruth Kirk SOLD OUT/Please locate another source
- Treasures of the Hopi by Theda Bassman
- Treasures of the Navajo by Theda Bassman
- Trees In A Circle: The Teec Nos Pos Story, SPECIAL EDITION by Kerry Hannon SOLD OUT Please locate another source to purchase
- Turquoise Jewelry (Revised 4th Edition) by Nancy N. Schiffer SOLD OUT/Please locate another source to purchase
- Turquoise: Mines, Mineral, & Wearable Art by Mark P. Block SOLD OUT - Please locate another source to purchase
- TURQUOISE Mines, Minerals, and Wearable Art 2nd Edition Mark P. Block SOLD OUT/Please find another source to purchase
- Turquoise: The World Story of a Fascinating Gemstone by Joe Dan & Joe P. Lowry - SOLD OUT
- Turquoise, Water, Sky: Meaning and Beauty in Southwest Native Arts by Maxine E. McBrinn, Ross E. Altshuler
- Uncommon Legacies: Native American Art from the Peabody Essex Museum by Grimes, Feest, and Curran SOLD OUT/Please Locate Another Source to Purchase
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