The Indian Craft Shop is OPEN BY APPOINTMENT 10am - 2pm, Tuesday - FridayPlease email to schedule your visit IndianCraftShop@guestservices.comNote: There is currently a larger selection than on the web of jewelry and fetish carvings in the Shop - email requests for images of particular interests. For Curbside or Instore PICKUP: Use the Shop address as the SHIP TO address for appropriate tax. Shipping charges will be refunded at time of pickup.The Indian Craft Shop is under historic preservation.Representing American Indian arts and crafts since 1938.
This guide to Southwest Indian jewelry begins with information on traditional styles of jewelry and jewelry making techniques. The book then continues to talk about the evolution of jewelry making in the Southwest Indian cultures. The majority of the book is composed of color photos and captions. There is also a price guide included for reference.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2003 Hardback, 256 pages