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Born of Fire: The Life and Pottery of Margaret Tafoya by Charles S. King
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Item Number: 8089013509
Margaret Tafoya's story is brought to life in this biography which starts with her early years growing up on the Santa Clara Pueblo. Interviews with her children, grandchildren, friends, art dealers and pottery collectors bring the reader first hand accounts and insights into her life. Margaret learned to pot by watching and being instructed by her mother, Sara Fina Tafoya. As a young woman, Margaret left the pueblo and worked at different jobs, including as a cook in a school. After marrying Alcario Tafoya and moving back to the Santa Clara Pueblo, she settled into family life. As her family grew, pottery became an important additional source of income and everyone participated in the process. Born of Fire takes the reader through five phases of Margaret's life - from her childhood to adulthood and how her influence is seen in the next generations.
Museum of New Mexico Press, 2008 Hardback, 160 pages